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蠱惑の壺 4chan /v/ 07/18/21(Sun)19:29:10 No.564210921
NVMe worth it?
will it be worth it?
is PC "gaming" just a meme.

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)19:30:19 No.564210985

is PC "gaming" just a meme.
If PC gaming is a meme, console gaming must be a mental illness.

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)19:35:09 No.564211296
why did the question make you mad?

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)19:34:42 No.564211259
今のところあんまりゲーム向きじゃないけど、コンピューターを扱う仕事をしている人には良い。ただ結局50ドルの安いSSDを使うか、80ドルのNVMe SSDを使うかという問題に。そんな大きな性能差はないし
not really for games currently, but it's good if you do work with computers. but in the end does it matter get cheap ssd for 50 bucks or get nvme for 80 bucks. it's not that big deal of difference

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)19:41:34 No.564211584
>NVMe worth it?
not yet
>will it be worth it?
yes, especially if you put your OS on it
>is PC "gaming" just a meme.
not at all. consoles aren't as interesting anymore since they don't have unique architecture and gimmicks.

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)19:39:48 No.564211498
as someone who bought an nvme because it was the same price as a standard ssd
besides no cable management and taking very little space
it's a meme performance wise
close to zero difference in games when comparing loading in games

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)19:51:53 No.564212154
I just bought two 1TB DRAMless SSDs. Watch how many (You)s I'm gonna get from ni/g/gers saying I wasted my money.
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蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)19:58:31 No.564212512
You f*cking retard

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)19:54:55 No.564212321
なんでPCIe 3.0のを買ったの?4.0のが良いのに
Why buy 3.0 when 4.0 is better

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)20:55:15 No.564215924
Why dram-less tho?

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)20:24:56 No.564214016
ok but why the f*ck would you do that when you could get one with dram for like the same price

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)20:23:07 No.564213894
俺の8770w ElitebookがNVMeに対応してるのなら2.5インチのから乗り換えたいわ。2.5インチSATAのを3つと
Gen2 mSATAので一杯一杯になってる
I'd use it over my 2.5" if my 8770w Elitebook supported it. I'm stuck with three 2.5" SATA and a 2nd Gen mSATA.

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)20:26:17 No.564214101
PS5でスパイダーマンやラチェットがやったように、M.2の完全な利点を示すbig releaseがまだまだ必要
It's worth it but for pc gaming its still a meme, it still needs a big release that demonstrates the full benefits of m.2 like Spiderman or Ratchet do for the ps5

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)20:28:18 No.564214229
Get a cheap small one for your operating system and frequently used programs.
When freed from os reads and writes hdds are much faster than they are when os is running of them.
Maybe get another one for games and shit like photoshop.

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)20:30:36 No.564214369
I have one and don't really notice much if a difference. I'm sure there is one but compared to the difference between hdd and ssd its whatever.
If you have a motherboard with the slot go for it, but don't go out of your way to get a motherboard for it.

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)20:31:06 No.564214397
そこまでの価値はないよ。普通のSSDでもデータベース云々とか映像編集とか以外のほとんどで同じような速度だもん。ゲームのロードもSATA SSDと大差ない
SATA SSDとほぼ同価格で買えるのなら価値はあると思うけどね。ケーブルがなくて利便性が良いってことだけでもあり。Gen 4 NVMeは今のところそれだけの価値はない。高すぎる
It's not worth that much, regular SSD is same speed for nearly everything except doing database shit and video editing. Games load at pretty much the same speed as on SATA SSD.
If you can get it for nearly the same price as a SATA SSD, then it's worth it even if for nothing else but the convenience of not needing to f*ck around with cables.
Gen4 NVMEs are not worth it right now, too expensive, and they throttle so what the f*ck is the point.

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)20:37:40 No.564214789
OS用にだけ使ってる。それ以外にSATA SSD以上のものが必要になることがないし当分はそうだろう
I just use mine for my OS. There's nothing out that needs more than a SATA SSD right now and won't for awhile.

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)20:42:14 No.564215080
NVMe vs Sata doesn't really mean jack shit for games.
Windows will boot like 5x faster though.

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)20:44:56 No.564215237
Earlier this year I bought the Pro model of the NVMe in the OP image. I do not regret my purchase.

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)20:46:10 No.564215309
兄弟よ、俺も同じやつ持ってる。ただし俺は未だにpcie gen3のマザボだけどな
My bro I have the same but still rock a pcie gen 3 motherboard though.

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)20:56:03 No.564215993
>gen 3
Ouch. Well, at least you have a good nvme to salvage from your current rig. If it makes you feel any better you can laugh at my gaymin memeboard. The Wifi/Bluetooth antenna is quite good, though.
>tfw both of these items have increased in price $20-$30 since I bought them.

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)21:20:43 No.564217523
no you absolute retard
buy a 128gb SSD for windows, then just use an HDD for all your shit
if you don't back up regularly it's your own fault

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)21:26:57 No.564217908
>using HDDs for gaming
>in 2021
come on man, there's being ignorant and then there's being downright retarded

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)21:35:55 No.564218458
ARKをHDDにインストールする奴みたことあるわ。動作せんかった。ロードすら出来んかった。2021年の今じゃ、読み込み:160/書き込み:90のHDDじゃ読み込み:7000/書き込み:500の良いpcie 4.0 2280 nvme SSDには太刀打ちできんよ
I was watching someone reinstall ARK on their PC onto a HDD. The shit literally did not work. Game wouldn't even load. In 2021 160 read/90 write is not sufficient compared to a good pcie 4.0 2280 nvme that can do 7000/5000.
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蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)21:37:58 No.564218570
Doesn't help that ARK is 400gb something with all DLC expansions installed. The game is a f*cking mess.

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)21:22:41 No.564217647
>NVMe worth it?
You're not going to see any real benefit from it compared to sata or pcie ssds for gaming or normie tasks. If you have a server its really good as a cache drive though.
>will it be worth it?
Maybe, fags like >>564216829 like to hype up directstorage, but until benchmarks prove its usefulness I have absolutely 0 faith in it.

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)21:09:04 No.564216829
Windows 11
Windows 11

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)21:35:28 No.564218419
現状SATA SSDとそこまで価格差あるわけじゃないし、将来に備えて買う価値はあると思う
I am not sure. What I know is it doesn't make koikatsu load faster.
The price difference isn't that big anyway compared to sata ssd now. It might be worth it just to future-proof.

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)22:44:11 No.564223118
Nvme is cheaper or the same price as SATA so why not if your motherboard has a slot for it?

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)20:31:00 No.564214392

(※SATA SSDとNVMe SSDの差が思ったほどないね、という動画)

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)21:37:39 No.564218549
980 Proと970 Evoを同じマシンに載せてるけど、ベンチマーク以外では2つの間に全く違いはない。システムドライブとして970 evo plusみたいなまともなNVMeを買って、ゲーム用に2TBのSATA SSDを購入すればいいと思う(500GB NVMeと同じ価格)
I have the 980 Pro and 970 Evo in the same machine, there is no difference whatsoever between the two outside of benchmarks, especially in games, load times are the same. Just get a decent NVMe such as the 970 evo plus as a system drive, and a 2tb sata ssd for games (same price as 500Gb NVME).

蠱惑の壺 4chan /a/ 07/18/21(Sun)21:42:30 No.564218872
It will make yor games load faster. That is all.




