Sara is so cute when she isn't doing that stupid thing with her mouth
このシーンのサラは不安な気持ちになったわI disagree. She looks unsettling there.Anonymous
サラはいつも可愛いだろうが!What stupid thing?She's always cute!
This is creeping me out.
Anonymousなんたるビッチwhat a whore
AnonymousAnd pure rage(怒り)Anonymousその嘘つきカッパを蹴り飛ばせKick that lying kappa
Anonymous画像つないでくれてありがとうMany thanks stitchanonAnonymousありがとうそのシーンのケッピも繋いでみてほしいThanks. What about prince Keppi in that scene?
Anyone got screenshots of the kappa prince?
Anonymousあれ?リビドーに対応するワードはどこだ?Why was the corresponding word "libido"?Anonymousアホな翻訳家めStupid translatorsAnonymous
カワウソ/帝国支持者は愛は必要としないんだろうな、必要なのはただ欲望だけIt's ruby text shenanigan, you know like the sort Type Moon loves with their Noble Phantasm names. The otters/imperialist do not need love, only desire, thus they judge on libido.Anonymous
女が入った風呂を飲みたい男のは利己的な愛。ハルカは無償の愛を持ってた。It's pretty simple: selfish love vs. selfless love. The guy who wants to drink that girl's bath water has selfish love. Haruka has selfless love.つまりマブが言ってたのは「利己的な愛を持つものだけが未来がある」ってことなのか?なんか他にあるんじゃないか?AnonymousSo Mabu is saying that only people who can hold on to selfish love have a future? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?Anonymous「欲望をつなぐ」の意味によるよなあマブの言った「つなぐ」についてもっと説明が欲しいところだわDepends on what "connecting desires" means. I think more emphasis should be put on the connection he mentions.
>39 ep + 映画movie
>24 ep
>ユリ熊嵐Yuri Kuma
>12 ep
>11 ep
Make it stop.
Anonymous>つぎのアニメ>OVA2巻>next anime>2 OVAsAnonymous次もやおい>it's graphic yaoiAnonymous次は女性ものに戻るんじゃないかなI think he'd go back to ladies.
AnonymousイクニのBDを買う必要がありそうだなPeople need to start buying Ikuni’s BDs, damn.Anonymousぜひやってくれ1巻はここNo one's stopping y'all. Here's the first BD.【Amazon-co-jp限定】さらざんまい-全巻購入特典-「描き下ろし全巻収納BOX」「手乗りケッピぬいぐるみ」引換シリアルコード付-完全生産限定版-Blu-ray/dp/B07QLXV1RT/AnonymousうわやべーじゃんOh god it hurtsAnonymous次は24話あるけど5分のショートアニメとかNext anime is 24 epsiodes again but its 5 minute shortsAnonymousなんてこったいなんでこれもユリ熊嵐も2クールもらえなかったんだ?傑作になるポテンシャルあるのに、忙しない感じになっちゃってるわGod damnit, why couldn't this (and yka) have been a 2 cour show? This really does have the potential to be great, it's just so rushed.Anonymousてーきゅうファイナルシーズンは幾原が監督する予言しとくからFinal Season of Teekyuu by Ikuhara, you heard it here.
Will someone please break down the symbolism and artistry of the homoerotic frog sumo for me? It must have been important.
Anonymousこの同性愛者め>Will someone please break down the symbolism and artistry of the homoerotic frog sumo for me?ur a fagetAnonymous
Keppi with long legs is creepy as fuck too.
Anonymous同意やつが何かやる度不安定な気持ちにさせられるわI agree. It unsettles me everytime he does it.Anonymousこれ見てダリの象思い出したわ
He reminds me of Dali's elephants.
同じくAnonymous前にもこんな不安定な気持ちにさせられたことあるわThis. I knew I had the same feeling of unsettlement before.Anonymous【ダリの絵画の解説】>There are various cultural depictions of elephants, where they are often viewed as symbols of strength, dominance and power due to their bulk and weight. Dalí contrasts these typical associations by giving the elephants long, spindly, almost arachnid-like legs, once described as "multijointed, almost invisible legs of desire">legs of desireyou've got to be fucking jokingAnonymousケッピは大概キモいけど、これについてはちょっと可愛いかったわkeppi is all levels of unsettling but i found this kind of cuteAnonymous
ケッピで一番キツいのは、あの血走った目だわ。気味悪いWhat bothers me the most about Keppi are those bloodshot eyes. They're unsettling.Anonymousケッピは概してキモい(確信)あと、トオイは自分たちが人間の存在を消してるってことに気づいた唯一の人間なのかな?Keppi in general is creepy. Also, is Toi really the only one who noticed that they're actively erasing people out of existence?Anonymous言及したのはトオイだけだけど、あとでケッピが暴露してたからみんな自覚してると思うよToi is the one who mentions it but after Keppi's revelation I'm sure they all realize.Anonymousその後別のカッパゾンビ殺して平気そうだったなAnd they were fine with killing another kappa zombie.Anonymous
殺さないとカッパのまんまだからなあ、お前だって残りの人生ずっとカエルのままはいやだろ?also if they didnt kill him they'd be kappas forever, doubt you'd want to be a frog the rest of your lifeAnonymous一理あるが、ゾンビは既に死んでるから
とどめを刺す以外に何かできることはあったか?You have a point. But the dude was already dead, was there anything else the boys could do for him?Anonymous
ケッピは尻子玉を吸収してんのかな?尻子玉を集めるのは希望の皿を作る以上の理由はあるのか?カッパゾンビは確かに既に死んではいるんだけど、尻子玉がある限り少なくとも覚えられてはいるんだなPotentially not have Keppi 'assimilate' the shirikodama? What exactly does he need them for other than creating hope dishes? The kappa zombie is already dead at that point, but as long as the shirikodama is around he'd at least be remembered.Anonymous
ゾンビの魂はケッピが尻子玉を食べてから昇天してたから、もしかしたら彼らは尻子玉に何にかない限りはlimbo(地獄の辺土)にはまり込んでるんじゃThe spirits of the zombies only pass on after he eats the balls so maybe they're stuck in limbo unless something happens to their balls.Anonymous
そう、そして彼らは恥ずかしい欲望を満たして東京中の箱/猫/キス/蕎麦/サシェを盗むためだけに活動するんだ。>as long as the shirikodama is around he'd at least be remembered.Yeah, and he would also stay as a zombie who lives only for satisfying his embarassing desires and stealing boxes/cats/kisses/soba/sachets from all over Tokyo. Unless there's something that can be done to unzombify them that doesn't involve taking the shirikodama off.Anonymous
でもケッピが尻子玉を食べる前に爆発して死んでたろ。恐らくゾンビの体外に出て一定以上の時間が経つと死ぬんじゃないの?尻子玉を食べるかどうかに関わらずBut we see him explode and die before Keppi eats the shirikodama, presumably as long as its out of the zombie long enough it just dies on its own, assimilating the butt ball doesn't seem vital to the process of defeating it.
ケッピはビジネスマンだ。やつは尻に関わる案件についてはかなりのプロフェッショナルだI can't help but feel sad about this homo.Keppi is a businessman. He's very professional about butt-related's almost like he's the cute yet creepy ambiguous bishi villain thing.Anonymous
最終話のケッピを見るのが待ちきれないなCan't wait to see him in the last episodeAnonymous
その画像に御影も加えとけInclude Mikage too.Anonymous
このイクニのピンク髪の変態の系譜をケッピが断ち切らないことを祈るよ。なんか緑髪っぽくもあるしOh yeah, forgot about this gay jobber. It's a shame Keppi is breaking the chain of Ikuni pink hair creeps, seems he has green hair.Anonymous
ユリ熊ですでに暁生とサネトシの傾向は切れてたから、ケッピの役割がどんなふうになるかの保証はある(?)The bears were narrators more than villains. Yurikuma broke the Akio/Sanetoshi trend so there's guarantee on what Keppi's role will be like.Anonymous
やつはただ彼の年下のワイフとこうなりたかっただけなんだSanatoshi did nothing wrong. He just wanted to be like his underage waifuKeppi has fine legs. No wonder he works the pole so well.
I was so prepared for sadness, I'm glad cute little bro is safe
Anonymousうん、やつは1話から死亡フラグ立ててたからなあYeah, he had a death flag since ep 1
So keppi is either the desire that escaped from the prince or the prince without his desire? I wonder if kappa are supposed to have two parts and Sara is what's considered normal.
I love when art becomes reality.
I love when art becomes reality.
レオは自分を犠牲にしてマブを何とかしようとしたけど、愛しか持ってなかってうまくいかなかったから、代わりに欲望を持つ他人を犠牲にしてるのかなと思ったAnonymousいかにも幾原が書きそうな感じI got that feeling Reo tried to sacrifice himself for Mabu but since all he was feeling was love it just didn't work and he had no choice but to sacrifice others instead. Kinda sounds like something Ikuhara would write.Anonymous>愛しか持ってなかったから自分の代わりに他人を犠牲にするこれいいね。レオにとって良い苦しみだ>all he was feeling was love it just didn't work and he had no choice but to sacrifice others insteadI can buy this. This is good suffering for Reo.
Even Ikuhara isn't as degenerate as to show two men holding hands with no protection.
Anonymousこの手の持ち方は弱いねもっと指絡めてホラThis is weak hand holding. Where are the interlocked fingers?
Anonymousアホくさいけどここで笑っちゃったよThis is stupid, but I'm laughing.Anonymous
現時点でケッピを悪だと思うべきなんだろうけど、ハルカを助けるためにほとんど死にかけみたいな状態になってくれたから、何を思えばいいのか分かんないよI know at this point I should believe Keppi is evil but he did almost kill himself to save Haruka so I don't know what to think.AnonymousかわいそうなケッピPoor KeppiAnonymous
これ演技だろ>cast is gigantic compared to the size of his legHe's faking it.
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